Introduction: In the journey of life, we often find ourselves pondering the fundamental questions of our existence. Who are we as a species? What is our purpose? Why are we here on this planet? The quest for answers to these profound questions is an intrinsic part of the human experience. However, more often than not, our exploration is cut short by narratives handed down through generational narratives shaped by the beliefs of our parents, cultural influences, and religious teachings.
The Inherited Narrative: From a young age, we are exposed to the stories and beliefs of our parents, the cultural fabric that surrounds us, and the religious doctrines that shape our worldview. These narratives serve as a guide to understanding our place in the world. While they may provide a sense of comfort and certainty, they also carry the weight of being passed down through generations. The Cycle of Inherited Beliefs: As we grow older, we come to realize that the narratives we've inherited are not unique to us. They are part of a cycle that spans generations, passed on like a torch from one to another. The stories told to us by our parents were once told to them by their parents, and so on. This cycle raises an important question: Are the answers we hold to our existential questions truly our own, or they constructed echoes of the past? Questioning the Narrative: Waking up from the dream involves breaking free from the confines of the narratives we've inherited. It requires a courageous examination of the beliefs that have been ingrained in us since childhood. What if the answers we seek are not found in the stories passed down through generations? What if the purpose of our existence is something we must discover for ourselves? Creating Our Own Story: To truly wake up, we must be willing to question, challenge, and redefine the narrative that has shaped our understanding of life. This process involves introspection, self-discovery, and a willingness to embrace the uncertainty that comes with forging our own path. It's an opportunity to create a personal narrative that aligns with our authentic selves, rather than adhering to the script handed down through generations that may be supportive of our True Authentic Selves or perhaps it may not be supportive of our True Authentic Selves. This is the start of our own Self Discovery. Breaking Free from the Past: Breaking free from the inherited narrative is not about rejecting the wisdom of our ancestors or dismissing the value of cultural and religious traditions. Instead, it's about recognizing that our understanding of existence is a dynamic and evolving journey. By questioning the narrative, we open ourselves to new perspectives, ideas, and possibilities that may have been overlooked in the echos of tradition. Conclusion: Waking up out of the dream is a courageous and transformative journey. It involves questioning the narratives we've inherited, exploring the depths of our own beliefs, and ultimately creating a story that is uniquely ours. As we embark on this journey, we may find that the answers to our existential questions are not fixed in the past but are waiting to be discovered in the ever-unfolding present. Let us have the courage to question and explore. We may just find what it is we are seeking to know! ~Baba Sharone~ In the midst of the chaos and challenges that surround us, it's easy to succumb to feelings of dismay, hopelessness, and discouragement. The world often bombards us with messages that we are powerless, mere victims of circumstances beyond our control. However, what if we shifted our perspective? What if we embraced the profound truth that, as humans, we are powerful beings with the ability to shape our reality through our thoughts, feelings, and creative visioning?
Contrary to the prevailing narrative, we possess the inherent power to create positive change in our lives and the world at large. The adverse consequences of subscribing to the belief that we are powerless have led to heartache and despair. It's time to tap into our untapped human potential – a reservoir of gifts and opportunities waiting to be realized. Consider the idea that we can actively shape our reality by tapping into the invisible potential that can bring our dreams to life. What if, instead of focusing on our current circumstances, we directed our attention to what can be? By consistently channeling our thoughts and visioning towards a brighter future, we can contribute to the creation of a more beautiful, joyful, and peaceful world – a world that aligns with the deepest aspirations of humanity. At our core, we bear the similitude of the Divine, carrying within us the power to co-create our world. As sovereign beings, it is our responsibility to envision and manifest the higher vision for our personal lives and the world as a whole. It's time to replace the lower thoughtforms of separation, lack, ignorance, and fear with the higher thoughtforms of unity, understanding, cooperation, and love. Imagine the transformation that could unfold if we collectively committed to creating a world rooted in positivity and compassion. By replacing doubt with belief, we can overcome obstacles and pave the way for a reality where unity and love prevail. Our thoughts and intentions hold the key to shaping the world we desire. Let us unite in the pursuit of a higher vision, one that transcends the limitations imposed by fear and separation. It's a call to action – a call to consciously co-create a world where the human spirit thrives. We have the power within us, and it's time to wield it with passion and consistency. In conclusion, let's remember: if we believe we can, we will. If we believe we can't, we won't. It's time to embrace the power of our thoughts and collective vision to bring forth the positive change we yearn for. Together, let's manifest a world that reflects the true essence of humanity – a world bathed in unity, understanding, cooperation, and love. The journey begins within each of us, as we hold the key to co-creating a world that is truly wonderful. Let's do it! Baba Sharone As the holiday season unfolds, our collective consciousness turns toward the various celebrations that mark this time of year. From Christmas and Hannukah to Yule and Kwanza, diverse traditions converge, weaving a tapestry of Love and Light that transcends our individual lives and connects us to a broader, more profound narrative.
In the midst of the hustle and bustle, we find ourselves drawn to thoughts of loved ones, friends, and the yearning to reconnect in a world filled with busyness and constant distractions. This season offers a unique opportunity to express our love and appreciation to those who hold significance in our lives. It's a time to pause and reflect on the bonds that tie us together, transcending the mundane aspects of our daily existence. However, in the midst of heartfelt connections, there's a growing challenge—the siren call of consumerism that threatens to drown out the true essence of the season. As we navigate through well-crafted messages enticing us to buy, buy, buy, it's easy to lose sight of the Reason of the Season—the spirit of giving, of love, and of shared humanity. It's in these moments, when we unplug from the artificial narratives and reflect on the genuine meaning of Christmas and the Season of Light, we find ourselves less stressed and more immersed in the jubilant and joyful "Good News" that this season embodies. It's a time to be mindful and to embody the Love and Light in our interactions with others—being more thoughtful, patient, compassionate, and understanding. Yet, even in the warmth of celebration, we must acknowledge that for some, this time of year brings a heaviness. Memories of loved ones who have passed or the stark reality of solitude can cast shadows on the festivities. It's during these moments that we are called to be our "Brother's Keeper" and embody the spirit of the "Good Samaritan." The essence of being a "Light to the World" lies not just in our celebrations but in our ability to bring hope to the hopeless and aid to the needy. Let this season be a reminder that our acts of kindness, big or small, have the power to make a difference. It's a time to extend a helping hand, offer comfort, and share the warmth of human connection. As we navigate the holiday season, let us be conscious of the true reason for the season. Let us be beacons of Love and Light, spreading joy and compassion wherever we go. In doing so, we not only enrich our own lives but contribute to a collective tapestry of humanity illuminated by the genuine spirit of the holidays. ~ Love and Light, Baba Sharone In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, we often overlook one of the most incredible gifts we possess – our intuition. This innate ability connects us to a higher knowing, a wisdom that transcends our immediate understanding. It is a bridge to a higher intelligence, often associated with our Higher Self – the part of us linked to profound knowledge, wisdom, and a divine perspective. In this blog, we will explore the concept of intuition, its sources, and how developing it can lead to a life guided by grace, ease, and protection.
The Connection to the Higher Self: Our Higher Self is a conduit to a wider and elevated level of consciousness. It communicates with us through thoughts and feelings that seemingly come out of nowhere. Perhaps you've experienced thinking about someone, and moments later, they call you. Or a sudden thought about a person precedes the news of their passing. These everyday occurrences are expressions of our divine ability, often overlooked in the busyness of life. The Gateway to Higher Intelligence: Intuition is not only a link to our Higher Self but also a gateway for other higher intelligences, such as Guides, Angels, and Ancestors, who seek to guide and protect us on our journey through the physical world. Just as we exercise our physical muscles to become stronger, we must also exercise our spiritual muscles to develop and enhance our intuition. Developing Intuition: Recognition: The first step in developing intuition is recognizing its existence. Be consciously aware of its presence in your life. Acknowledgment: Take note when intuition speaks to you, even in subtle ways. It might be a fleeting thought or a sudden feeling. Acknowledge these experiences. Overcoming Distractions: In a world full of distractions, it's easy to dismiss the small voice of intuition. Make a conscious effort to pause, reflect, and acknowledge the guidance that comes your way. Trust Your Instincts: Often, our first instincts are right. Start trusting and following through on the guidance you receive. This builds a stronger connection with your intuitive self. Learn from Experience: As you consistently recognize, acknowledge, and follow your intuition, you'll begin to notice its impact. Whether it's a knot in your gut as a warning or a sense of dread, these experiences are valuable lessons guiding you toward a more guided life. Conclusion: Developing your intuition is not just about unlocking a hidden power within; it's about forging a connection with the higher realms that are eager to assist and protect you. By consciously recognizing, acknowledging, and following through on your intuitive guidance, you pave the way for a life filled with grace, ease, and divine protection. Embrace the journey of developing your spiritual muscles, and let your intuition be the compass guiding you to a more fulfilling and guided existence. ~Baba Sharone Introduction:
In an era saturated with misinformation, gaslighting, and fake news, the quest for truth has become an intricate journey. As we grapple with the challenge of distinguishing reality from illusion, it's imperative to explore avenues beyond the conventional and tap into a realm that transcends mere intellectual analysis. In this blog, we delve into the concept of Higher Discernment and its profound connection to the heart, advocating for a shift towards trusting our innate intuition as the compass guiding us through the labyrinth of manipulation and hidden agendas. The Deceptive Landscape: We live in a world where reality seems to shift like sand beneath our feet. Constant exposure to conflicting narratives and carefully crafted disinformation has eroded the trust we once had in traditional sources. The prevalence of gaslighting, where facts are manipulated to create a distorted perception of reality, further complicates our understanding of the world. In such an environment, how can we reclaim our connection to truth? Higher Discernment: The Path to Authenticity: Amidst the chaos of misinformation, Higher Discernment emerges as a beacon of light. It invites us to look beyond the surface, beyond the noise, and connect with a deeper, more profound aspect of ourselves – our heart. This intuitive knowing, often dismissed in a world that values rationality, holds the key to unraveling the truth of our experiences. The Heart's Wisdom: Trusting our feeling nature, the quiet voice that emanates from the heart, is a revolutionary act in a world dominated by external influences. This inner guidance, often referred to as intuition, arises from the higher realms of our being. It operates beyond the limitations of the mind, providing insights and perspectives that transcend mere logical analysis. Developing Trust in Intuition: To navigate the complexities of our modern world, we must actively cultivate trust in our intuitive capacities. The more we listen to and follow the guidance of our hearts, the more robust and reliable our Higher Discernment becomes. It's a process of attuning ourselves to the subtle whispers of wisdom that guide us towards the most authentic and aligned paths. The Strength in Vulnerability: Trusting the heart requires a degree of vulnerability, as it necessitates stepping away from the safety of established norms and embracing the uncertainty of the uncharted. However, it is precisely in this vulnerability that we discover our true strength. By allowing the heart's wisdom to guide us, we open ourselves to a higher perspective that transcends the limitations of the intellect. Conclusion: In a world where the line between truth and deception has become increasingly blurred, the journey towards authenticity demands a leap of faith into the realm of Higher Discernment. By acknowledging and cultivating the wisdom of the heart, we can reclaim our power to discern truth from illusion, navigate the intricacies of our reality, and ultimately forge a path that aligns with our deepest values and aspirations. Trust your heart – it knows the way. BABA SHARONE Embracing the Power of Gratitude: A Recipe for a Beautiful Day and a Beautiful Life. ~Baba Sharone11/24/2023
In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it's easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of challenges and setbacks. However, no matter the situation, there is always something to be grateful for. It's a simple yet profound truth that has the power to transform our outlook on life. When we take a moment to pause and reflect, shifting our focus from the negative aspects to the positive ones, we begin to realize just how fortunate we truly are. The power of gratitude lies in its ability to reshape our perspective, leading us to develop an attitude of appreciation for the blessings that surround us. It's like a domino effect – as we start listing all the positive elements in our lives, we create a ripple of positive energy that attracts even more things to be grateful for. It's as if the universe responds to our gratitude with open arms, offering us an abundance of joy, love, and fulfillment. Indeed, we are blessed beyond measure. Sometimes, it's the small victories, the moments of connection, or the simple pleasures that we may take for granted. But when we consciously acknowledge and appreciate them, we open ourselves up to a world of endless possibilities. So, let's make a conscious effort to embrace gratitude each day. Let's start our mornings by counting our blessings, expressing thanks for the people in our lives, and appreciating the opportunities that come our way. By doing so, we not only create a positive mindset but also attract more positivity into our lives. As we navigate the journey of life with an attitude of gratitude, we'll find that our days become more beautiful. Gratitude becomes a guiding force, steering us away from negativity and allowing us to bask in the warmth of appreciation. Remember, no matter what challenges may arise, the power of gratitude can be our steadfast companion. So, here's to a beautiful day filled with gratitude and positivity. May your heart be light, your spirit be lifted, and may you attract more reasons to be grateful. Have a beautiful day, filled with joy and blessings . With Love and Light, Baba Sharone It is important to be aware that energy follows our thoughts! We are in fact co-creators with the Divine. We create with our thoughts and that is why we must mind what our thoughts are and the energy we are giving it!
That is why someone who tends to think positively will mostly have positive experiences in their lives as opposed to someone who thinks negatively. But there is much more to the power of our thoughts. Thinking of the same thought continuously and over a period of time can create what is known as a Thought-Form which is an energetic entity to itself. The Ancients called these Egregories. This is especially potent when you have a group of people that think the same thought over a period of time. So you can have a potent strong thought-form that can be created to unify people with that thought such as a value or a religion or a philosophy. It is a collective agreement and it reinforces that collective agreement among its members and can also entrain others to that thought when they enter that collective space. Thought Forms can be created by humans but also they can be created by other intelligences. There are Thought Forms that come from the Higher Realms of Light that are uplifting and inspirational and your thoughts can align with these Higher Thought Forms. An example is the Thought Forms of an invention that would help humanity that comes from the Higher Realms. It may not be just one person that picks up on that Thought Form, but many all at about the same time. Who gets the patent is the one who gets to the patent office first. But also there are the Lower Thought Forms that are depressing and destructive that can impinge upon you. When you start to monitor your thoughts you become aware of the ones that originate from you, the ones that come from your Higher Self or from a Benevolent Higher Presence. You also can become aware of those destructive thoughts that come from your lower ego, or Malevolent Presence. It is these malevolent Thought Forms for example that create the idea of separation, war and suffering which has been on this planet for millennia. But just as you have the power to create a thought form, you also have the power to dismantle it and create a new one. If you have been thinking that you are not worthy and you think this over and over and for a long time, you created that thought form that will reinforce that thought and consequently your belief giving low self-esteem. If you make the effort to change that thought you created to a positive one where you believe you are worthy to have the best in life and you use affirmations for example repeatedly to create this new thought form, it will dismantle the old one and create this new one. This can be done on an individual and on a collective level. With Love and Light, By Baba Sharone Dear Family of Light In January 2020 I said the Great Awakening is upon us on my personal Facebook Page as I updated my picture. Shortly thereafter, I had a significant spiritual dream that had to do with Noah’s Ark. I knew it was of global significance and ever since this dream I have been on a quest to understand exactly its significance. Well, just a few weeks later,Covid-19 came into global awareness! As in all Spiritual Dream Experiences there are MANY LAYERS of information. So on this quest I have come to understand that we are "In the Days of Noah" It is the time to separate the WHEAT FROM THE SHAFT Matthew 3:12. We have to decide what we are going to align ourselves with. This is part of what is currently going on in the world as it looks at past history and questioning exactly what are we aligning with and honoring. I have always wondered why in the Hebrew Tradition and some Christian Denominations, the Sabbath was Saturday where as in the Roman Catholic and many Protestant Religions it was Sunday. My journey led me to the guidelines of the Ark of the Covenant, with the agreement with God is that the sabbath would be on the seventh day. That day through all calanders was Saturday. It was not until later it was changed by the Roman Catholic Church to Sunday with the argument being they had the right to do so because of the Papacy's infallibility and was the official authority of God on Earth and which was prompted primarily that Jesus rose from the dead on a Sunday. With much research on the matter and a clearer understanding, the Ecclesiatical Committee feel that the true Sabbath according to the fourth commandment with the Ark of The Covenant is not Sunday but in fact Saturday. Coming from a JudeoChristian perspective and with this new awareness revealed to us, we have decided to align ourselves with celebrating and acknowledging the Sabbath on a Saturday which we believe is the seventh day moving forward. This is of course is open to ALL PEOPLE OF ALL FAITHS for in the end we are All One in the Love of our Supreme Creator. This does take away from Sunday Services for the millions of people who do so. Because the Church is really “The People” and what they hold on their hearts in their relationship to God. ![]() Ephesians 6:10 This is the reality of what is really going on. I am putting it out there. We are being so played. Forces are working overtime not only to continue to divide humanity in polarity extremes as have been done for eons of time but also now to separate us in multiple pieces. Unless you can rise above the emotional manipulation that is going on and see the broader picture of the multiple dynamics at play at the same time, you will only see and experience your own self contained perceived reality and attract all that supports it. THE GOOD THE BAD AND THE UGLY There are those who truly want peaceful protest to bring to light the deliberate bias that is systemic in laws and institutions from the founding of this country. Then you have those who are the provocateurs who want chaos and destruction of property for their own agenda which has nothing whatsoever to do with the horrific death of George Floyd. Then you have the Angry Mob group that wants to just vent their pent up anger and rage. Then there are the bonafide criminals who jump at this opportunity to do what they do. All these other groups have hijacked the initial positive intention to bring awareness through the catalyst that was the death of George Floyd of the bias and injustice that exists in our institutions. Things start out pure and then it gets corrupted. So now this movement has become corrupted just like so many things in this world. It’s purpose is to confuse, manipulate, divide and CONTROL. You will only get angrier when your focus on the parts that anger you and you perpetuate it with your focused attention. You will see more hope and the good parts when you focus and look for that. There is a great awakening taking place and all that has been hidden must come to light. So I see hope. I am witnessing people of all races, cultures, religions and backgrounds coming together from around the world to stand up to injustice and say No more! I see our youth of all backgrounds not tolerating what is not right! Can you imagine if we united as a humanity what control we would have over our destiny where governments would have to serve “The Good Will of The People” It would be a great shift to a better world and our sovereignty! Baba Sharone |
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